Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thanksgiving & Other Stuff

Dear Bloggers,

Today is Thanksgiving and we're watching concerts.

I'm writing my blogs and I'm thinking will my followers like my blog. I've been practicing for the talent show this year. I have also been looking at violins but they're all too much. I've wondered how was yall's Thanksgiving. If you want to tell me put it in the comments box. I had said different things in this blog and I didn't have much to say, so have a nice day.

Be looking out for my next blog.

Dear Bloggers,
I know none of my blog fans have heard what has been going on, So I have bad news. I know you know, my brother Kenny, and you can see him at the bottom of this page. Well he has been very sick because he has had a headache,sore throat,and cough for a week and a half. His teacher, Ms. Bulbitiz has been very sad and his classmates misses him very much. But he should be going back to school on the 30th November.

I have a couple of questions to ask. Answer the questions in the comments boxes.

1) How was your Friday the 13th ?
2) Explain what is Friday the 13th.
3)If you were a super star who would you be?

When you write your answer leave your name. Be looking out for my next blog and I'm sorry I didn't blog earlier than this.

Monday, October 12, 2009


One day I was sick. But the day before that I was fine. It was a night mare, and you do not want to get sick like me. I was throwing up all my food and I was on the toliet like crazy. So if your at school always wipe down your desk but if your at a job wipe down your chair , your pencils , your pens , and anything else that people borrow. Don't be like me and get sick. I want everybody that reads this tell your friends to visit my website and if you have kids to call they can visit too, it is ok. And let well me if you know DJ call her and if you are Ms. karen call me and if you know me call me. We can all help you to not get sick like me
Thank you for suporting me and my website.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Shots for School

My dad had told me that we had to get shots for school. My brother 's had thought that it will be fun, but once they got the first shot they started crying.
I had cried too, but sometimes I don't like to get shots. But we had to come back on Wesnday 19, 2009 because they gave us a shot that if it gets infected
that means that we might have a reaction.

We had bought Kenny ,Chris,and I some nice clothes and lunch box's.Kids hate getting shots for school. i know i do,but once I get older i want to hold daddy hand. Kenny my brother thaught that he was going to die,but I told him that it was going to be alright, and he
said that I was lining, but i told him i wasn't.

Sometimes I get afraid that daddy won't hold my hand.But he does but only if I ask him to .

Join me Kennedy Moore for more graet adventures

Sunday, August 2, 2009

A Fashion Statement

My next blog is going to be about fashion. There are a lot of people that have fashion in vegas but people have lot of taste for school .

So like kids are going to have fashion just like the grown ups and people should have manners when they see nice clothes. I think I will be a fashion designer and
do things for some people and with some of my money. I will send people clothes who need them and I think some people should do the same thing as well like me and help.(today I made food for daddy, Kenny, Chris,and me, but lets get back to the story!)

I don't think people should be like that and not care about
another person that really needs it.

Thank you for reading my blog.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Brand New Life

On Monday July the 20 2009,

I,m writing my words for my blog. Yesterday i went to the pool and my brothers and i

had alot of fun. So i had moved from atl and no longer live there but there r great things and adventures to do there i guess it will be fun to do something new. i would shore like to be in atl because it is not as hot there like it is here so i hope u understand like i do.i hope u people like my blog as much as i do so enjoy.

there will be more to come soon .ps vist me at http// kennedy