Saturday, August 22, 2009

Shots for School

My dad had told me that we had to get shots for school. My brother 's had thought that it will be fun, but once they got the first shot they started crying.
I had cried too, but sometimes I don't like to get shots. But we had to come back on Wesnday 19, 2009 because they gave us a shot that if it gets infected
that means that we might have a reaction.

We had bought Kenny ,Chris,and I some nice clothes and lunch box's.Kids hate getting shots for school. i know i do,but once I get older i want to hold daddy hand. Kenny my brother thaught that he was going to die,but I told him that it was going to be alright, and he
said that I was lining, but i told him i wasn't.

Sometimes I get afraid that daddy won't hold my hand.But he does but only if I ask him to .

Join me Kennedy Moore for more graet adventures

1 comment:

  1. Another fabulous job My Bookies-Head! I bet Chris and Kenny won't think getting shots will be fun next time, huh? You should have been the one to hold Chris & Kenny's hand...BIG SISTER!
